Air Pollution and the Clean Air Act | US Environmental Protection Agency在美麗的庭園裡 漫步於夢境之中 臥室裡盛放著李花 我進入了錦簇的花團中 純潔的香氣在嘴裡蔓延開來 —一休禪師 京娥第一次請勳到她家時, 他們點著燭光喝酒。勳從未到過女人的家, 所以好奇地打量著。這裡一間房是寢室、另一間是更衣室。 當勳第三次來到京娥家—也就是都觀察完她家之後,Progress Cleaning the Air & Improving People's Health Actions to implement the Clean Air Act have achieved dramatic reductions in air pollution, preventing hundreds of thousands of cases of serious health effects each year. Accomplishments under the Clean...