u got it

CHUD.com 全世界許多地方的海灘上都能見到水母,海洋溫暖的水溫和酸度讓水母大量繁殖。除了蟄傷游泳者,水母還早成過許多麻煩,比如去年數百隻水母圍攻瑞典核電站,逼得反應堆關閉,這些玩意確實令人頭疼。 一家以色列公司將目光瞄準了這種麻煩生物,他們決定不僅要處理水母,還要用它們做東西。Cine'al公司正在以水母為原News, previews, reviews of films in theatrical release and on DVD, interviews, top lists, editorials, contests, original writing, forums, weblogs, and chat room....


Got Milk? You Don't Need It - NYTimes.com焗豆,也被稱作烘豆、烤豆子或茄汁豆,是歐洲傳統食物,今天仍然很受歡迎,常被做成罐頭食品。雖然英文名指明是“烤豆子”,這道菜一般是和醬汁一起燉煮而成。大多數市面上的焗豆罐頭使用白豆和番茄汁。白豆也被稱為海軍豆,是菜豆的一種。焗豆常被夾在麵包裡吃,也可以作為英式早餐的一部分食用。Mark Bittman on food and all things related. Drinking milk is as American as Mom and apple pie. Until not long ago, Americans were encouraged not only by the lobbying group called the American Dairy Association but by parents, doctors and teachers to drin...


U.S. News | Reuters.com - Business & Financial News, Breaking US & International News |近日在Youtube上一位澳大利亞節食大師展示了自己纖細身材背後的秘密——非常極端的節食方法。她可以一天不吃任何東西,只靠吃香蕉過活。而她最高的記錄是一天吃掉51根香蕉。 大家都叫她“香蕉姑娘Freelee”,她倡導的是一種極端的粗糙素食主義Reuters.com is your online source for comprehensive national News coverage. Get the latest U.S. news stories from coast to coast and stay current on the events that shape our ......


News & Opinion: U.S. Politics | Boston Herald  又到一年一度美國學生申請學校的時侯,有一位男網友將女友線上即時面試的情況拍下,上傳到論譠和大家一起分享! 王子剛看到第一張照片時,覺得女生很正也穿得太大方得體,但原來真相不是這樣的.... …… …… …&helliWASHINGTON, D.C. — Police officials are accusing President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder of fanning an anti-cop furor that led to the......
