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The less Americans know about Ukraine’s location, the more they want U.S. to intervene - The Washing2014春夏英倫街頭原創與運動時尚巨擘的靈感碰撞,運動經典元素以全新想像躍上時尚伸展台;2014春夏,兩大時尚ICON攜手擦出獨到的時尚靈感與火花,注定將把今夏城市流行風推向全新的極限! 兩大潮流品牌的碰撞與結合,開始於TOPSHOP最優秀的設計團隊在adidas Originals的經典設計中搜尋Where’s Ukraine? Each dot depicts the location where a U.S. survey respondent situated Ukraine; the dots are colored based on how far removed they are from the actual country, with the most accurate responses in red and the least accurate ones in blue. (D...