uac off on windows7 8

Turn User Account Control on or off - Windows Help   我的天阿,明星們都長得這麼像XD                  Open User Account Control Settings by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type uac, and then click Change User Account Control settings. Do one of the following: To turn off UAC, move the slider to the Never not...


What are User Account Control settings? - Windows Help (這張圖出自美國網站)   連美國人都在忌妒公務員!!XD    This is the least secure setting. When you set UAC to never notify, you effectively turn off UAC. This opens up your PC to potential security risks. If you set UAC to never notify, you should be careful about which apps you run, because they'll have the s...


Windows 7 - 维基百科這樣的海綿寶寶你看過嗎? 對開發者來說,Windows 7提供一套全新的网络API。这些API支援使用機器語言建立基于SOAP的网络服务(而非基于.NET的WCF网络服务)。[41] 此外,新的作業系統縮短应用程式安装所需的时间,对UAC进行改进,用户可以自己调节UAC,以減少UAC(User ......


How to Disable and Turn Off UAC in Windows 7 « My Digital Life 你了解嗎 哈哈!!Turn Off or Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista Disable and Turn Off (or Enable or Turn On) Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows Vista Turn Off and Disable Windows XP Built-in ZIP Support and Compressed Folders Disable Compressed ......


Windows7/8 Migration Strategies - Share and Discover Knowledge on LinkedIn SlideShare iPhone 風力充電器 有了這個就可以隨時隨地環保的充電了 Windows7/8 Migration Strategies 1. Migration Strategies & Tools for Windows 7 & 8Joe HonanChief Technology Officer, Janalent 2012 2. Janalent Snapshot• Elite Microsoft Solutions Consulting Org since 2004 • WW Headquarters: Las Vegas, Nevada • US Offices ....
