uac off windows 8

真正關閉Windows 8的UAC,讓電腦操作更方便 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西名副其實的海狗從Windows Vista以來,UAC的安全性控制就是使用者心中的痛,不僅造成操作上的不方便,對於真正的病毒威脅也沒有足夠的防禦效果,因此很多讀者都會選擇將UAC關閉,不過這次Win 8可不一樣喔!照以前的方法竟然無法完全關閉UAC,我們當然要出狠招來對付 ......


Disable User Account Control (UAC) the Easy Way on Win 7, 8, or 10聖誕彌勒佛??Disable UAC on Windows Vista Open up Control Panel, and type in “UAC” into the search box. You’ll see a link for “Turn User Account Control (UAC) on or off”: On the next screen you should uncheck the box for “Use User Account Control (UAC)”, and then clic...


How to Turn off UAC in Windows 7: 14 Steps (with Pictures)腳骨就嫩Q~~~~@@!How to Turn off UAC in Windows 7. User Account Control (UAC) is a security system introduced in Windows 7 that warns the user whenever a program is attempting to make changes to the computer. If you're familiar with the way computers and......


User Account Control (UAC) - Change Settings in Windows 8冰風格的酒店,你敢住嗎?        How to Change User Account Control (UAC) Settings in Windows 8 and 8.1 Information User Account Control (UAC) helps prevent potentially h ... Hello Scran, and welcome to Eight Forums. In Windows 8, UAC is never fully turned off even with it set to "Never ...


How to Disable and Turn Off UAC in Windows 7 « My Digital Life有黃有暴力有萌的無聊圖片 .....!!!                                     &nTurn Off or Disable User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista Disable and Turn Off (or Enable or Turn On) Data Execution Prevention (DEP) in Windows Vista Turn Off and Disable Windows XP Built-in ZIP Support and Compressed Folders Disable Compressed ......


Turn User Account Control on or off - Windows Help有萌的!!??Open User Account Control Settings by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type uac, and then click Change User Account Control settings. Do one of the following: To turn off UAC, move the slider to the Never not...
