
Admissions | The University of British Columbia 有位男子身材太胖想減肥,便到號稱保證3天內減重20公斤,否則退錢的瘦身機構,並簽下瘦身合約。隔天,瘦身中心職員便帶胖子到一間大房間,裡面有一位身材高挑,皮膚雪白一絲不掛的美女,脖子上掛張牌子,『抓到我玩3次』,美色當前,胖子當然繞著房間一路追趕美女,跑了很久,終於逮到美女,也順利玩了3次,第1天他The University of British Columbiaâ s many innovative academic programs, combined with an international reputation for teaching and research, provide ......


Prospective Students | The University of British Columbia局長最喜歡的一位女秘書工作上毫無過錯,卻被局長炒魷魚了有朋友問是何緣由?局長說:「前幾天我過生日,她邀請我去她家過,還特別告訴我她老公出差了,進門後她讓我待在客廳,叫我五分鐘後再進去臥室,然後她就很神秘的走進臥室。」朋友急切地問到:「然後呢? 」局長憤怒地說:「我推進臥室門後,頓時被嚇暈了,全單位同For information about applying to UBC as a graduate student, visit the Graduate Students page. The promise: academic faculties and research facilities globally ......


Undergraduate Students | The University of British Columbia你身邊有高個子朋友嗎?其實高個子會遇到很麻煩哦,真的比我們小矮個多很多...通常高個子都會被問到的最經典問題就是:欸你打籃球嗎?...好像長得高不去打籃球就不行哦XDDD 你身邊有高個子朋友嗎?其實高個子會遇到很麻煩哦,真的比我們小矮個多很多... 1.椅子永遠卡到腳... 2.車裡根本坐不下...For information about applying to UBC as an undergraduate student, visit the Prospective Students page. Every year, hundreds of life journeys begin here....


The University of British Columbia 擁有完美man power的二頭肌,相信是大多數熱愛健身男孩心目中夢寐追求的鍛鍊里程碑。但是對於 Arlindo de Souza 來說,二頭肌不只是二頭肌,它還代表著榮耀與殊榮! 這位來自巴西,今年43歲的筋肉人 Arlindo de Souza 在他長期精心培養肌肉下,老天不負苦心人,讓他被世Your use of Campus-Wide Login (CWL) services and all other computing and communications services and facilities is subject to UBC's policies, requirements  ......
