Uber - Official Site動物園的管理員突然發現園裡的袋鼠跑出來了,於是開會討論一致認為是籠子太低了,所以他們決定將籠子的高度由原來的十公尺加高到二十公尺。但是調整之後的第二天,它們發現袋鼠還是跑到外面來,所以他們又決定再將高度加高到三十公尺。沒想到隔天居然又看到袋鼠全部跑到外面! 於是管理員們大為緊張,決定一不做二不休,將Get a taxi, private car or rideshare from your mobile phone. Uber connects you with a driver in minutes. Use our app in cities around the world. ... One Tap to Ride Uber uses your phone's GPS to detect your location and connects you with the nearest avail...