車壇女戰神蘇宗怡接TVBS《地球黃金線》 千萬跑車重機登場
Ubi Workshop store : Clothes, Costumes, Accessories & more from your favorite Ubisoft gamesTVBS 56頻道《地球黃金線》節目,即將在5月8日(下週一)全新升級改版!由台內午間新聞當家主播蘇宗怡「黃金接棒」,主播台上端莊甜美的蘇宗怡,是新聞圈內,極其少數懂改車,開著小鋼砲或是露營車趴趴走、最瞭解各類車種的玩家級主持人,更擁『車壇女戰神』封號,接手主持《地球黃金線》,她也將大變身,徹底顛覆Video games clothing, comics, artbooks, limited editions of artworks… with the help of the best creators and artists out there, we elaborate stories inspired by the universe of Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs and more of your favorite Ubisoft universes....