2020日內瓦車展—電能二號VW ID. 4
Amazon.com: UE ROLL Wireless Mobile Bluetooth Speaker (Waterproof and Shockproof) - Volcano: Compute德國平民汽車品牌VW近期推出了旗下ID電動子品牌的第二部量產作品─ID. 4,也是品牌首款純電行駛的SUV,而藉由其車名4可以知道這是一部小尺碼的SUV。 由於目前原廠釋出的訊息較少,目前已知的是ID. 4和ID. 3一樣採用了VW電動車專用模組化平台MEB打造,並將電池模組放置在底盤中央的位置Wireless Bluetooth Speaker ready for wherever. Whatever. Whenever. UE ROLL is the powerful, pint-sized speaker that brings the noise to hidden beaches, cliff jumps and mountain climbs. It's big, beautiful, unapologetically awesome sound that's small enoug...