新一代經典跑車Supra 將採取日皮德骨
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Toyota與BMW一開始決定合作開發全新跑車,外面普遍認為這是Toyota為了讓昔日旗下跑車經典Supra重新復活。 但這台跑車預計採取日皮德骨設定,依照過往Toyota的方式,車型只要掛上Toyota品牌,動力上就一定會包含Hybrid油電動力設定,但目前的消息指出新車確定不會有The interface defined by the EFI specification includes data tables that contain platform information, and boot and runtime services that are available to the OS loader and OS. UEFI firmware provides several technical advantages over a traditional BIOS sy...