jQuery UI - Official Site 成熟穩重的氣質才女:北一女中許斯甯 「音樂、星光,樣樣都浪漫;煩惱、憂愁,都與我無關;這是我們的舞台,散發魅力趁現在,讓汗水盡情飄散。」這是小虎隊在<青蘋果樂園>中所唱的歌 詞。16歲的斯甯,正值璀璨絢麗的青春年華,擁有青蘋果的翠綠耀眼,卻有著只屬於這個年紀所不為人知的酸澀經歷,但也jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library ... Dive In! jQuery UI is built for designers and developers alike. We've designed all of our plugins to get you up and running quickly while being flexible enough to evolve with your needs and solve a p...