我是A型血,老婆是AB型血,孩子居然是O型血!狠心和她離婚後收到的「這封遺書」讓我痛不欲生 !
UK train ticket redesign « robert hempsall – information designer ▲老婆後來寫給丈夫的遺書讓丈夫後悔莫及。(source:3g.mop,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 雖然八點檔的劇情很灑狗血和不可思議,但是還是有很多的民眾喜歡看這樣的劇情,因為夠扯才夠好看啊!然而根據3g.mop分享的一則網路小說,劇情雖然不是灑狗血卻仍然造成許多網友的迴響,因為這Really like this, Robert. I’d say it’s a great update to the current ticket! A few things grab my attention. 1) Let’s see you write Liverpool Lime Street as the destination. Not sure there’s enough room, but I’m being a bit mean as I’d have no problems wi...