UK train ticket redesign « robert hempsall – information designer 最近一位17歲的車模黃可被爆拍攝性感照,而照片畫面充滿挑逗,完全不像一位17歲女生該有的動作!▼這位17歲E罩杯正妹黃可現在是一位賽車麻豆 照片一經網路分享,馬上引起了熱議,網友FXF說:「小小年紀就拍這樣的照片,可惜了........」、也有不滿足的網友低調的說:「求全套!」▼平時愛自Really like this, Robert. I’d say it’s a great update to the current ticket! A few things grab my attention. 1) Let’s see you write Liverpool Lime Street as the destination. Not sure there’s enough room, but I’m being a bit mean as I’d have no problems wi...