工藝結晶 Koenigsegg Agera One:1超級跑車
UK train ticket redesign « robert hempsall – information designer 2014年的日內瓦國際車展驚喜不斷,來自瑞典的 Koenigsegg,為了慶祝Agera車款20週年,推出最新的超級跑車Koenigsegg Agera One:1,採用世界第一的雙渦輪增壓5.0升V8引擎,提供 1,341馬力和1011磅的扭矩,搭配megacar的七速雙離合器變速箱和Really like this, Robert. I’d say it’s a great update to the current ticket! A few things grab my attention. 1) Let’s see you write Liverpool Lime Street as the destination. Not sure there’s enough room, but I’m being a bit mean as I’d have no problems wi...