html - Unordered List ( ) default indent - Stack Overflow英國《每日郵報》9月17日消息,英國知名人體彩繪藝術家卡羅琳•羅珀(Carolyn Roper)受邀,在城市的公車、計程車,甚至菜攤上表演她的彩繪隱身術。在她的畫筆下,模特們的各個身體部位被塗上多種顏色,與身邊的汽車和蔬菜“融為一體”,隱身效果讓人驚嘆。圖片來源:環Can anyone tell me why an unordered list has a default indent/padding applied to it? Can this be solved with a CSS Browser Reset? ... When reseting the "Indent" of the list you have to keep in mind that browsers might have different defaults. To make life...