Toktz-xil-ul - The RuneScape Wiki之前有介紹過崩壞的童年卡通 超大誤阿!這些卡通的橋段也太... 蠟筆小新本來就偏向稍微重口味的卡通, 不過裡面橋段個人認為都非常有趣也非常有梗啦~ MABEE提醒:以下純屬截圖取意,並非真正劇情請勿有邪惡的想法XD 真猛阿17次... 這搞菊阿 你已經死了....北斗神拳 拳四郎! 奶油犬...小白TokTz-xil-ul (or Obsidian throwing rings) are a Ranged weapon used by the TzHaar, most notably... ... TokTz-xil-ul (or Obsidian throwing rings) are a Ranged weapon used by the TzHaar, most notably the TzHaar-Xil. They cost around 375 Tokkul per throwing r...