Ultra Anchors | Stainless Steel Anchors | Quickline USA根據網上一項調查,「有60%的男性在25歲之前就開始脫髮,而30歲以後脫髮的比例竟高達83.9%。」此項調查顯示出,因頭髮稀疏或落髮問題而求診的男性大幅成長,且年齡層也有下降的趨勢。 瑿醫療集團(瑿Medical Group)總院長/黃仲立醫師說明,若想要化解禿頭危機,可透過新一代的「美式數位植髮技Ultra Anchor - Quickline provides the highest quality 316L stainless steel anchoring gear that's effective and easy to use. Best of all, it delivers peace of mind. ... We apologize if you are having trouble trying to reach us by telephone. We are experien...