adidas 慶祝農曆乙末新年 推出”The Year of the Goat”羊年系列
UltraVNC - Official Site 繼聖誕節 ”Bad Dream” 配色獲得廣大迴響後,為慶祝即將於二月中到來的農曆新年,adidas 今天發佈 Rose 5 Boost、T-MAC 3 與 Rose Dominate II 羊年特別版本。 而三款羊年特殊版本鞋款,以新年傳統的黑、紅、綠、金作WARNING: NOT owned by us. Please update links to Ultra VNC is a powerful, easy to use and free - remote pc access softwares - that can display the screen of another computer (via internet or network) on your own ......