uncle tetsu's cheese cake台中

【台中下午茶推薦】Uncle Tetsu's cheese Cake徹思叔叔の店。來自日本的現作起司蛋糕專賣店~台中也有分店囉!@最好 ... 很想說聲...你還好嗎?!【台中下午茶推薦】Uncle Tetsu's cheese Cake徹思叔叔の店。來自日本的現作起司蛋糕專賣店~台中也有分店囉!。整個呈現慕斯的口感...入口即化 我覺得有好像在品嘗起司冰淇淋的fu~~ 入口後先是濃郁的牛奶味,再來是淡淡的起司香氣 這樣特別的起司蛋糕瞬間擄 ......


[食記]台北火車站-Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake。誇張的排隊起司蛋糕 | MokaFun  看到一半  還有最後 我笑了...     XDDD台北車站內的Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake現場手做起司蛋糕試衣間香單有名的排隊店,在微風廣場崛起後車站內的名店很多,營業時間內都是排隊滿滿,希望也來台中開分店嚕...


【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!@太霏糖-iPeen 愛評網   晚上看到不嚇死才怪!我朋友特地幫我從微風買回台中耶!我喜歡吃室溫的… 乳酪味道真的不重,適合愛輕食的人…也適合怕胖的人!XD...


Get in line for Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake: Sourced | Toronto Star      這兩個人 太厲害了阿!Ask anyone who cooks and they’ll tell you the best food is always the freshest — fresh ingredients, freshly made. But “fresh” is also the secret to Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake, which has just landed in the city. “Make, sell, make, sell,” says Tetsus...


Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake @ 1 Utama - Malaysia Food & Travel Blog          外國冬天騎自行車出門   就靠這一套裝備啊!!Cheesecake does not get any fresher at Uncle Tetsu. This rather new kiosk at 1 Utama‘s new wing has got people queuing up patiently for their freshly baked cheesecakes, which take approximately 45 minutes to bake from scratch....


Uncle Tetsu Japanese Cheesecake: What’s $10, a lineup and your time worth? - The Globe and Mail    天阿  這是奇蹟阿!!The second-guessing began a full 40 minutes before Uncle Tetsu had even opened. “Are they any good?” asked a blond woman in sweats who was number 11 in the fast-growing lineup. No one offered an opinion. “Is it as good as T & T Supermarket’s?” asked anoth...
