【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!@太霏糖-iPeen 愛評網 性感阿~~ 【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!。 這天,經過台北車站,突然想起傳說中的起司蛋糕【Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake】 沒錯!大家甘願排隊也要吃到的起司蛋糕~ 台北車站伴手禮、美食,進駐的店家很多 ......
全文閱讀【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!@太霏糖-iPeen 愛評網 性感阿~~ 【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!。 這天,經過台北車站,突然想起傳說中的起司蛋糕【Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake】 沒錯!大家甘願排隊也要吃到的起司蛋糕~ 台北車站伴手禮、美食,進駐的店家很多 ......
全文閱讀[食記] 台北車站‧鐵叔叔起司蛋糕‧Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake@黛西 優齁齁-iPeen 愛評網 馬上趕到!!xd [食記] 台北車站‧鐵叔叔起司蛋糕‧Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake。周五下午特地請了個假,打算回嘉義渡假,想說都請了假又到了台北轉運站準備坐車, 那是不是可以碰個運氣,可以很快地排到傳說中的鐵叔叔起司蛋糕UncleTetsusCheeseCake, 但是!!但是!...
全文閱讀[食記]台北火車站-Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake。誇張的排隊起司蛋糕 | MokaFun 法拉利!這樣我也開心台北車站內的Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake現場手做起司蛋糕試衣間香單有名的排隊店,在微風廣場崛起後車站內的名店很多,營業時間內都是排隊滿滿,希望也來台中開分店嚕...
全文閱讀Get in line for Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake: Sourced | Toronto Star 加油阿 小雨滴! Ask anyone who cooks and they’ll tell you the best food is always the freshest — fresh ingredients, freshly made. But “fresh” is also the secret to Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake, which has just landed in the city. “Make, sell, make, sell,” says Tetsus...
全文閱讀Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake @ 1 Utama - Malaysia Food & Travel Blog 你同意嗎??? Cheesecake does not get any fresher at Uncle Tetsu. This rather new kiosk at 1 Utama‘s new wing has got people queuing up patiently for their freshly baked cheesecakes, which take approximately 45 minutes to bake from scratch....
全文閱讀Uncle Tetsu Japanese Cheesecake: What’s $10, a lineup and your time worth? - The Globe and Mail 最強的...掃地兵 The second-guessing began a full 40 minutes before Uncle Tetsu had even opened. “Are they any good?” asked a blond woman in sweats who was number 11 in the fast-growing lineup. No one offered an opinion. “Is it as good as T & T Supermarket’s?” asked anoth...
全文閱讀【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!。 這天,經過台北車站,突然想起傳說中的起司蛋糕【Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake】 沒錯!大家甘願排隊也要吃到的起司蛋糕~ 台北車站伴手禮、美食,進駐的店家很多 ......
全文閱讀[食記] 台北車站‧鐵叔叔起司蛋糕‧Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake。周五下午特地請了個假,打算回嘉義渡假,想說都請了假又到了台北轉運站準備坐車, 那是不是可以碰個運氣,可以很快地排到傳說中的鐵叔叔起司蛋糕UncleTetsusCheeseCake, 但是!!但是!...
全文閱讀台北車站內的Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake現場手做起司蛋糕試衣間香單有名的排隊店,在微風廣場崛起後車站內的名店很多,營業時間內都是排隊滿滿,希望也來台中開分店嚕...
全文閱讀Ask anyone who cooks and they’ll tell you the best food is always the freshest — fresh ingredients, freshly made. But “fresh” is also the secret to Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake, which has just landed in the city. “Make, sell, make, sell,” says Tetsus...
全文閱讀Cheesecake does not get any fresher at Uncle Tetsu. This rather new kiosk at 1 Utama‘s new wing has got people queuing up patiently for their freshly baked cheesecakes, which take approximately 45 minutes to bake from scratch....
全文閱讀The second-guessing began a full 40 minutes before Uncle Tetsu had even opened. “Are they any good?” asked a blond woman in sweats who was number 11 in the fast-growing lineup. No one offered an opinion. “Is it as good as T & T Supermarket’s?” asked anoth...
全文閱讀Uncle Tetsu 徹思叔叔起司蛋糕 has opened its first outlet in Singapore!! If you have not heard of this brand, this is a very famous and popular brand - for using premium Japanese dairy ingredients to produce Japanese style cheesecake. Uncle Tetsu originated from ....
全文閱讀East Asian desserts seem destined for dominion in the weeks ahead; here's a short-&-sweet peek at Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake in 1 Utama, the first Malaysian outpost ... At Uncle Tetsu's, you'll find customers constantly clustered around the counter througho...
全文閱讀There are many bakeries and cafes around town which offer good cheesecakes. They all come in different sizes and in different flavours. Have you heard of Uncle Tetsu Cheesecake? Uncle Tetsu Cheesecake is quite different from the other cheesecakes around....
全文閱讀Uncle Tetsu didn’t think people would be willing to wait more than two and a half hours for his Japanese cheesecake. He was wrong. If the lineup outside his store on Bay near Dundas is any indication, Uncle Tetsu’s first venture into North America is a su...
全文閱讀【本報記者劉奕廷、鐘翠蓮台北報導】由於受到全球 COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情影響,PEUGEOT、CITROEN台灣總代理寶佳聯合氣車日前表示,汽車相關零組件製造供應鏈受到嚴重衝擊,原物料、車用晶片、運輸物流及人事等成本皆大幅攀升,嚴重影響車輛生產成本及交車時程。 圖說:Peugeot小改款3008
【記者 林明益/宜蘭 報導】 宜蘭縣「110年機車汰舊換新及新購電動二輪車補助計畫」已進入最後倒數計時階段,請車主把握今年度加碼補助機會,以免向隅! 環保局黃政釧局長表示,為鼓勵縣民汰換老舊機車,宜蘭縣配合中央加碼補助車主汰舊換新,本(110)年度本縣縣民淘汰民國96年6月底前出廠的老舊機車後,換購
一個穿著華麗的婦人剛從瑞士回國。她發覺她身旁坐著一位很親切的牧師。她問:"對不起,神父,可以要求你幫個忙嗎?""當然可以,孩子。我可以做什麼?""是這樣的, 我買了一部先進的除毛器,十分的昂貴。而且我的行李已經達到最高的稅限,我怕海關人員會充公我這東西。你可以幫我藏入你的聖袍裡面?""當然可以,孩子
某日,在歷史課堂上, 老師:「何謂三不政策?」 學生:「不知道、不清楚、不要問我。」 師曰:「@$%^%@$#……」在非洲,有位不識字的老先生去考駕照,交通規則便改為口試。 主考官以流利的母語問老先生:「你開車遇到紅燈要怎樣?」 老先生回答他:「馬上停下來。」 主考官:「
有一個病人再洗澡時發現他的龜頭竟然是紫色的結果就去給醫生看啦~醫生說:[根據我多年來的經驗,這一定是你染了性病,不切除掉不行!!!]病人覺得很無奈 也只好聽醫生的話 把龜頭切除。過了幾個月病人又發現他的睪丸也變得紫色了,又去找之前那一位醫生醫生就很確定的說:[根據我多年來的經驗,又是你染了性病,不切
有一位北卡 Charlotte的律師買了一盒極為稀有且昂貴的雪茄,還為24隻雪茄投保了火險。結果他在一個月內把這些頂級雪茄抽完了,保險費一毛也還沒繳,卻提出要保險公司賠償的要求。在申訴中,律師說雪茄在「一連串的小火」中受損。保險公司當然不願意賠償,理由是:此人是以正常方式抽完雪茄。結果律師告上法院還