uncle tetsu's cheese cake官網

【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!@太霏糖-iPeen 愛評網貓仔驚呼: 救命啊~~~~~恐龍咬我!!!【台北車站】「Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake」,慕名而買的〞起司蛋糕〞竟讓我愛上它了!。 這天,經過台北車站,突然想起傳說中的起司蛋糕【Uncle Tetsu’s Cheese Cake】 沒錯!大家甘願排隊也要吃到的起司蛋糕~ 台北車站伴手禮、美食,進駐的店家很多 ......


[食記] 台北車站‧鐵叔叔起司蛋糕‧Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake@黛西 優齁齁-iPeen 愛評網一早被自己煎的蛋嚇到,響應 halloween 萬聖節 !![食記] 台北車站‧鐵叔叔起司蛋糕‧Uncle Tetsu's Cheese Cake。周五下午特地請了個假,打算回嘉義渡假,想說都請了假又到了台北轉運站準備坐車, 那是不是可以碰個運氣,可以很快地排到傳說中的鐵叔叔起司蛋糕UncleTetsusCheeseCake, 但是!!但是!...


Get in line for Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake: Sourced | Toronto Star一個乞丐敲敲車窗說:給我點錢.先生看了下,說:給你抽支菸吧.乞丐說:我不抽煙,給我點錢.先生說:我車上有啤酒,給你喝瓶酒吧.乞丐說:我不喝酒,給我點錢.先生說:那這樣,我帶你到麻將館,我出錢,你來賭,贏了是你的.乞丐說:我不賭錢,給我點錢.先生說:我帶你去桑拿房享受“一條龍服務&rdquAsk anyone who cooks and they’ll tell you the best food is always the freshest — fresh ingredients, freshly made. But “fresh” is also the secret to Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheesecake, which has just landed in the city. “Make, sell, make, sell,” says Tetsus...


Uncle Tetsu's Cheesecake @ 1 Utama - Malaysia Food & Travel Blog這...這也太貼切了吧... 唉...男人啊.................Cheesecake does not get any fresher at Uncle Tetsu. This rather new kiosk at 1 Utama‘s new wing has got people queuing up patiently for their freshly baked cheesecakes, which take approximately 45 minutes to bake from scratch....


Uncle Tetsu Japanese Cheesecake: What’s $10, a lineup and your time worth? - The Globe and Mail這間書店只差沒有插三支香,拜鮮花素果了,滿滿的遺照在對你笑 The second-guessing began a full 40 minutes before Uncle Tetsu had even opened. “Are they any good?” asked a blond woman in sweats who was number 11 in the fast-growing lineup. No one offered an opinion. “Is it as good as T & T Supermarket’s?” asked anoth...
