symbol lookup error: undefined symbol , upon calling C executable from matlab using system command - 1.不怕嫁老,就怕嫁小。如果你的男友只有二十幾歲或十幾歲,你可以失身,但不能嫁。男人三十三歲左右是個不錯的年紀。 2.嫁有錢的還是沒錢的?嫁願意為你花錢的! 3.離婚的男人嫁不嫁?離一次婚的男人是塊寶,離兩次婚的男人是根草。 4.嫁事業型的還是家庭型的?籠統而言:家庭型的。 5.嫁什麼性格的人?嫁MathWorks is hiring worldwide. Search now for MATLAB jobs and Simulink jobs. ... Possibly a badly linked library http://nrcw.com/?p=546 The symbol might be defined in a library that does not happen to be on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH that is used by MATLAB....