unicode utf 8 chrome

All About Unicode, UTF8 & Character Sets – Smashing Magazine 這樣上廁所也太累了吧!?This article covers the history of characters, character sets, Unicode and UTF-8, and why question marks and odd accented characters sometimes show up in databases and text files. ... Using UTF-8 to store and transmit stuff on the web is great, in fact I’...


python - using pyodbc on linux to insert unicode or utf-8 chars in a nvarchar mssql field - Stack Ov 撞衫沒關西、撞臉可就不好囉!I can remember having this kind of stupid problems using odbc drivers, even if that time it was a java+oracle combination. The core thing is that odbc driver apparently encodes the query string when sending it to the DB. Even if the field is Unicode, and ...


JavaScript 的 encodeURIComponent() 會將字串轉換成 UTF-8 編碼 - Tsung's Blog 只是掃個地有必要這樣嗎!?嗯嗯, 我遇到的狀況是 Big5 的資料, 送到後端居然是變 UTF-8, 不是 Big5. 所以應該是 JS 本身都用 unicode 處理(把所有字串轉 unicode), 但是處理完後沒有把編碼轉回來? 早期的 Firefox 版本... 呃... 先當做看不見好了....


Unicode補完計畫請小心使用(下)-解決方案 @ 當人真麻煩! :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 你有事嗎?搞成這樣各位會找來這篇不外乎日文假名的缺字吧! 在往下看之前,先確定一下你是否知道為什麼會缺字,以及至少知道「Unicode補完計畫」和「Unicode」是不同的東西。不太清楚還是先看 ......


UNICODE與UTF-8的轉換詳解 - 陳小峰-iefreer的專欄 - 博客頻道 - CSDN.NET一篇詳細的漢字編解碼方面的文章。轉載自: http://www.ins1000.cn/KnowledgeActionForReader?action=read&id=104 UNICODE與UTF-8的轉換詳解 1 編碼在電腦中,各種資訊都是以二進位編碼的形式存在的,也就是說,不管是文字、圖形、聲音、動畫,還是電影 ......


UFPDF: Unicode/UTF-8 extension for FPDF — Acko.net  A blog about random hacks, graphics and design, math and other ephemera. ... Note: I wrote UFPDF as an experiment, not as a finished product. If you have problems using it, don't bug me for support. Patches are welcome though, but I don't have much time t...
