University of Essex :: School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering :: WelcomeConstantin Mashinskiy 是一位俄國攝影師,這系列作品是他近期推出的作品,從今年2014開始,他每天都以黑白肖像的形式拍攝人像,住在巴黎的他會在路上隨機抓一名路人,並為他拍攝。在 365parisiens 這裡可以看見他近期推出的作品。去巴黎說不定會遇到他呢! 【本文出處,更多精采Our strengths Ranked fourth in the country for computer science with 97% student satisfaction (NSS 2014) Electronic engineering 93% student satisfaction (NSS 2014) Ranked joint 8th in the UK for Computer Science in the 2014 Academic Ranking of World ......