cut (Unix) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 有一個人養了一隻狗,那隻狗非常聰明,牠會算術、接飛盤、站立,更厲害的是牠會玩僑牌,主人無聊時都會跟狗狗玩僑牌打發時間,後來一傳十、十傳百,大家都知道有那隻非常聰明的狗。有一天,有一位記者來訪問那個主人,記者:「聽說你家的狗非常聰明」主人:「沒有啦,牠很笨說。」記者:「為什In computing, cut is a Unix command line utility which is used to extract sections from each line of input — usually from a file. It is currently part of the GNU coreutils package and the BSD Base System. It first appeared in AT&T System III UNIX in 1982....