台灣城市搜索繼KBF之後引進旗下三大品牌全新上市 URBAN RESEARCH URBAN RESE
Shell: How To Remove Duplicate Text Lines台灣城市搜索股份有限公司將於2014年9月19日(五)起,正式在台灣引進旗下三大品牌URBAN RESEARCH / URBAN RESEARCH DOORS / URBAN RESEARCH ROSSO,是繼2014年4月KBF品牌在台上市之後,邁入四大品牌在台銷售的全新里程碑。 台灣城市搜索(UThis command would have been more logical if it had an ‘-a’ option to print all the lines in a file with the duplicates ‘squashed’ into a single line. Sorry Richard. The below “only print unique lines”, will omitt lines that have duplicates. uniq -u The b...