溫柔典雅的解放!浴衣 和服的性感內在美
Shell: How To Remove Duplicate Text Lines 今天福利文來看看這些 浴衣和服的內在美,在看性感圖之前首先先來簡單了解一下日本和服、浴衣怎樣分辨好了,1.和服的質料比較厚重 浴衣則比較輕便~2.和服領子的地方會有多一層白色的內裡,浴衣通常沒有~3.穿搭和服通常都會有穿短襪(足袋),浴衣就不會穿襪子~這三點應該就可能幾乎分辨得出來到底是和服還是浴This command would have been more logical if it had an ‘-a’ option to print all the lines in a file with the duplicates ‘squashed’ into a single line. Sorry Richard. The below “only print unique lines”, will omitt lines that have duplicates. uniq -u The b...