Gmail 5.0 With Exchange Support And Material Design Has Landed [APK Download] 圖翻攝自youtube 相信大家在洗澡或獨自一人在家時,多多少少都會有一些唱歌跳舞的行為,不過國外一名小弟弟在做這件事時卻忘記把房門關上,不料整個過程都被家人給拍了下來,上傳到網路後,讓許多網友都笑翻了。 The day is finally upon us - the Gmail 5.0 APK has landed, and we have it for your (production-signed) downloading pleasure. As we've expected since we first saw the app more than a week ago, the new Gmail is very... "material." It's got a FAB, the beauti...