Uno Attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Koobii人氣嚴選14【輔大護理─侯琍瑋】機靈善良的陽光少女 有沒有覺得看到圖片裡的女孩,精神也跟著好起來了呢?但別看琍瑋聰明伶俐的樣子,其實私底下曾經發生過不少蠢事呢!就讓我們一起看看這位愛笑的美女,到底發生過什麼讓人哈哈大笑的事情吧~(以下桃紅色文字為琍瑋的回答) 【圖/侯琍瑋Uno Attack (called Uno Extreme in the United Kingdom and Canada) is one of many variations on the popular Mattel card game Uno. It includes 112 (106 in the later versions) cards as well as a mechanic card launcher. The main difference between Uno Attack a...