Uno Attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲7張被P圖惡搞的逗趣照片。(source : boredpanda,下同) 大家好我是皮耶編,我們時常看到網路上有網友放上自己的照片,跪求其他P圖技術高超的網友來幫忙改圖,但時常會演變成一股惡搞旋風,久而久之也有人開始刻意放上自己或朋友的照片供人惡搞P圖,這也形成另類風潮。根據boUno Attack (called Uno Extreme in the United Kingdom and Canada) is one of many variations on the popular Mattel card game Uno. It includes 112 (106 in the later versions) cards as well as a mechanic card launcher. The main difference between Uno Attack a...