用一顆汽球演奏出音樂~DJ 們也傻眼了
Teardown of the UP! 3D printer extruder head by TakeAparts 世界之大無奇不有阿,在最低成本之內,怎樣可以做出音樂呢,兩個來自加拿大多倫多的大男孩 Andrew Huang 以及 Andrew Gunadie,僅僅只用了一顆汽球,就能做出一首完整的音樂,成功重現德國歌手 Nena 經典名曲 99 Red Balloons ( Home > Featured > UP! 3D Printer Extruder Head Strict Standards: Non-static method Cache::set() ... The simplicity of the UP! 3D printer extruder head is revolutionary, especially for application for the DIY 3D printers. All of the DIY extruder head desig...