8個讓你笑到噴飯的瞬間,真的是用生命在搞笑 第八個也太驚人了吧...
Hanselminutiae LIVE 16 with Richard Campbell on the Hanselminutes Technology Podcast: Fresh Air for 8個讓你笑到噴飯的瞬間,最後一個也太驚人了吧... 哥們,你臉疼嗎? 北鼻,鞦韆不是這麼蕩的啊... 爸比,你是來鬧的嗎? 你倆不是故意的,是成心的,對吧? ? 啊哈哈哈,不服輸的自行車....車堅強... 汪,你這樣對主人真的好嗎The Hanselminutes Podcast by Scott Hanselman ... This episode of Hanselminutiae LIVE 16 with Richard Campbell was recorded on Google Hangouts! You can check it out at Scott's YouTube Channel at http://youtube.com/shanselman...