胸部直接彈出來!戰鬥中美少女的衣服慘破!盤點8部慘遭下流爆衣的動漫, 7整件衣服瞬間不見!
The air force men who fly drones in Afghanistan by remote control - Telegraph在日本動漫中,總是少不了打打殺殺的場景,而女主角很多時候也並不是花瓶一般的存在,論打架有時候可能比男主還厲害呢。 但就算你是戰場女武神,也還是少不了打著打著衣服就破了的場景。雖然我們都知道戰鬥嘛,因為運動量巨大和雙方的攻擊力難免會讓衣服有點破損,但和男主角只是破破袖子不一樣,女主角的衣服一場戰鬥下來Before 9/11, drones were a new, untried technology. Now it is estimated that 40 countries are trying to buy or develop unmanned aircraft. The United States operates 7,500 drones or, in the official parlance, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), making up more...