Pros and Cons of UPS SurePost, FedEx SmartPost | Practical Ecommerce導讀: 8月13日,北京,農曆七夕,一位艾滋病感染者和志工們一起在北京西單商業街舉行街頭徵婚活動,以倡導公眾關注愛滋病感染者的生活和權益。 8月13日,北京,農曆七夕,愛滋病感染者街頭徵婚。許多路人還是拒絕停下來,哪怕只是簡單的聊幾句。 有部分路人不但上前交流,而且慷慨地給以If you are looking to save money on shipping, start with a call to your UPS or FedEx representative. Speak with her about UPS SurePost or FedEx SmartPost. These are consolidated delivery services, which utilize the extensive logistics of UPS and FedEx, wh...