Pros and Cons of UPS SurePost, FedEx SmartPost | Practical Ecommerce韓流之後 自從林老師因為家暴離婚後,我就很擔心她。 平心而論,她在我們補習班是個好老師,她教的英文會話課很受歡迎,只是離婚以後,原本談笑風生的她臉上完全失去了笑容,教學倒還正常,但一下課就板起臉走人,好像其他的老師、同事全成了空氣。大家倒不是在乎她不通人情,而是擔心她那個離了婚的帥哥丈夫,給她的心理The FDX and UPS products do not function the same way. UPS SurePost is carried by UPS’s normal ground network to the most local USPS DDU (delivery center), whereas FDX uses a consolidation model, holding packages in 23 SmartPost facilities around the ......