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UPS Calculate Time and Cost - Delivery Service from UPS去年夏天,Sacha Goldberger決定展開一項非常有趣的企劃。他在巴黎一座名為Bois de Boulogne的公園(該公園約為紐約中央公園的2 1/2大)成立了一個工作室。Sacha攔下在公園裡慢跑的人,要求他們使盡吃奶的力氣快跑,然後跑完後再擺個帥氣的pose讓他拍下他們狼狽的模樣。 雖UPS's shipping calculator estimates the time and cost of delivery based on the destination and service. Start planning your next shipment with the shipping calculator. ... Please provide information about your shipment including destination, origin, shipm...


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