urban dictionary

Urban Dictionary, January 16: mouth hugging開枝散葉可說是對Mercedes-Benz的NGCC系列小型車的最佳描述,而這次試駕的A 200 Sedan則是引進國內市場的最新車款,就讓我們來看看這一系列的小型車還能衍生出什麼新花招。   圖 戴正明   車型+基本資料 ●建議售價 180萬元 ●平均油耗 18.5km/L Jan 17 kindergarten redshirt When a parent (usually the father) will hold back their child from starting kindergarten for a year solely for the belief that an extra year of physical development will pay off athletically once the child is in high school te...


Urban Dictionary, January 14: Mastabbatical圖片來源:Web Option   作為備受期待的後輪驅動運動車款86與BRZ,一回神發表至今也已經邁入第七年。目前的市面上也開始流通許多優質的中古車,對於喜歡後輪驅動車,並且不希望購入太老車型的車主來說是一個相當好的選擇,當然市面上還是擁有許多高價的改裝86與BRZ存在,LEXUS改裝起家的Art"Dude, how was the Metallica concert last night?" "They sounded great, but those fourth-row tickets I paid all that money for were pointless. I couldn't see Kirk Hamett's fingering because the cameragoer in front of me was filming the whole damn show on h...


Urban Dictionary, January 17: kindergarten redshirt固特異最新推出的頂級性能胎Eagle F1 Supersport,搭配在性能鋼砲Focus ST上,究竟能擦出什麼樣的火花?  gen 14 Mastabbatical A self imposed period free from masturbation. Often employed by single men as a strategy to improve productivity at work and in other life pursuits. Regularly used in conjunction with a set end date or target time frame. Should be use...


Urban Dictionary, January 11: Daylate savings time儘管許多人會認為,衰事不見得會落在自己頭上,但開車上路原本就充滿著各種危險,一不小心,這僅次於房地產的人生第二大開銷可能就會泡湯,而且更可能導致人身傷害,更可能影響到他人或自己身邊的親友,買車除了實現自己的夢想,更應該要善用社會上的各種資源來保障自己與愛車,我們就以最快速簡明的方式,讓你看看自己是否When you and another man have both had sex on the same specific piece of furniture (couch, bed, dresser, pool table, etc.) If you and another woman have both had sex on the same specific piece of furniture but not with each other, then you are furniture s...


Urban Dictionary - 相關圖片搜尋結果寒色系水泥灰塗裝,但卻怎麼樣也低調不起來!! 伴隨著周休二日的到來,很多家庭除了會選擇休旅車外,但過去從來不被重視的旅行車款式,卻是在這近10年來開始發燙,而旅行車的進化幅度也是來的又快又猛,性能旅行車幾乎已經成了型男的配件,就算施以與四門車型相同的改裝幅度,旅行車依舊給人一種溫暖的感覺,似乎很多女...


Urban Dictionary, January 16: mouth hugging▲雖然日本的改裝車很猛,但零四這種東西老美的經驗實在是太豐富,俗話說的好:「讀萬卷書不如行萬里路」,翹班出去看看吧!!   圖片來源:Web Option   由改裝老舖Escort製作的零四加速機器,具有美式風格彩繪的Skyline,是使用後輪驅動的Type-M為基礎所打造而成jan. 12 Condom Crinkle The sound a wrapped condom makes in your pocket when you move. The "crinkle" sound can sometimes be embarrassing, since you might think people around you know you are "carrying". Dude, I was leaving the house to go meet my girl ......
