us gov Blog - United States Government Blog警民機車對答凌晨兩點,貓爸心情不爽,提著購物袋,步行前往便利商店購物。前方紅藍警示燈交錯閃耀,警察兩名。一人向貓爸揮舞手中紅色閃光棒,示意停下。 警察甲:「先生麻煩身分證看一下謝謝」 貓 爸:「我去7-11買東西。」警察甲:「我是說麻煩你把身分證拿出來我們看一下,跟你去7-11有We help you discover useful, timely, and interesting U.S. government information and services. ... Image description: Do you have questions about any of the topics President Obama talked about in his State of the Union address last night?...

全文閱讀 Government Benefits, Grants, and Financial Aid for Citizens高速公路上嚴重塞車已經有一段時間,一名駕駛人耐心在車上等候。這時候,一個人敲了他的車窗。駕駛人好奇地搖下玻璃,詢問對方的意圖。「陳水扁遭到恐怖份子綁架,歹徒打算用汽油和一根火柴燒死他,威脅立刻交付一億贖金……所以,您了解吧,我們希望大家同心協力,盡已所能一起來捐獻。」駕駛How to Find and Apply for Financial Assistance can help you identify grants, loans, financial aid, and other benefits from the federal government, determine if you are eligible, and then tell you how and where to apply. When looking for finan...


Government Accountability Office - Official Site女友跟人跑了,網友安慰樓主竟成如此結果!給大家笑一笑吧!! 轉載自大陸某論壇.女友跟人跑了,網友安慰樓主竟成如此結果!某論壇有一樓主傷心發貼,竟然引來一批網友安慰,然後形成如此結果……  原帖如下:  我和我老婆是大學裏認識的,大2的時候,阿拉在同一個GAO launches the Watchblog to highlight its work on tracking taxpayer dollars and promoting accountability. This new section of the website provides information about GAO's work on a range of issues and highlights our most relevant reports....

全文閱讀 - Official Site昨日幫我妹妹帶小孩,一個才在讀幼稚園的小女生。晚上時候小孩嚷嚷著要吃麥當勞,於是我們便出門去找麥當勞。一路上手拉著手兒,把街兒逛。走到一半時小女孩凝望遠方,若有所思的問我"舅舅.....什麼是跳蛋啊?".....我一時之間出了一身汗,猶豫到底該不該和他說明 "什麼是跳蛋"不管用什麼方式和他說,接著他The home of the U.S. Government’s open data Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data ... Launching Disasters.Data.Gov to Empower First Responders and Survivors with Innovative Tool...


國立臺灣美術館學者搭船 , 與船夫閒聊學者問 : 你學過數學嗎 ?船夫回答 : 沒有 。學者 : 啊 !那你等於失去四分之一的生命 。學者再問 : 那你學過哲學嗎 ?船夫回答 : 也沒有 。學者 : 噢 !那你等於失去一半的生命 , 多可惜呀 !忽然一陣狂風吹來 , 船將翻覆 。船夫問 : 你學過游泳嗎 ?學者惶包括雕塑園區、碑林廣場、美術圖書資料、台灣美術期刊、教育活動等資訊。...


Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids在警察的偵訊室裡…警察正在問匪類的筆錄…警察:『這三個人要告你的狗性侵害,你說說看怎麼回事?』匪類的:『我養這隻狗很久了,體型大的像隻熊,現在正處發情期,一聽到有人說「上」,就會去「上」人家啦!我連拉都拉不住!』警察:『那這位唸一中的學生說了什麼?』匪類的:『那天在路上正Teaches kids from kindergarten through 12th grade about the federal government, from the U.S. Government Printing Office....
