Lighthouse USB Digital Microscope Camera 20x to 200X 作者:英國那些事兒 原文標題:孫子們,我們組團開黑!這81歲遊戲主播奶奶,也是很酷啊... 當你痴迷打遊戲,廢寢忘食地在電腦前激戰的時候, 你奶奶敲開了門,大約會說什麼? 少玩點遊戲? 對眼睛不好? 不過,如果你的奶奶The Lighthouse USB digital microscope camera will allow you an up-close view of your coins with a magnification power of 20x to 200x and can be used as a camera to record every aspect of your collection. Keep and store your images to be printed or emailed...