USB 3.0 Speed & Drive Benchmark | Everything USB嗨嗨,大家好,我是A小姐(〃∀〃)ゞ 胸部在動漫中無疑是非常重要的存在,關於胸部的情節可以說在動漫中是無處不在的。 根據大陸網友腾讯动漫的天然卷的分享,很多時候胸部也是男女主發展感情的催化劑,因此也引申出了不少關於胸部的套路。 ▼新妹魔王的契約者 (source:acg.178) 之前Yes, if you do not have USB 3 and your machine does have FW800 then getting the FW800 plug for the drive will give you a performance boost over using the USB3 connection on a USB 2 computer. There will be plenty of people who hate anything that is ......