一個無關性別的愛情故事 Michelle Jenny
USB in a NutShell - Chapter 5 - USB Descriptors 性別,大概是這世界上最無聊的事了。那天我姐就問我說:如果你男友跟你說他喜歡女孩子留長髮,那你會為了他把頭髮留長嗎?無需多想,我馬上就回答她:不會,而且我會在隔天立刻把頭髮剪到耳朵上面。(有點偏激的回答,這人天生反骨) 世界上有好多不公不義的事,都因為‘男’與’女Details the USB descriptors including the Device, Configuration, Interface, Endpoint and String Descriptors ... The bcdUSB field reports the highest version of USB the device supports. The value is in binary coded decimal with a format of 0xJJMN where JJ ...