86.9萬起坐擁日式美學跨界典範 正2021年式MAZDA CX-30進階上市
USB Speaker Block Diagram and Design Resources▲正2021年式MAZDA CX-30以86.9萬起更具競爭力的價格接單上市,完整升級的產品配置提供更加舒適便利的駕乘感受 榮獲2020年德國紅點設計大獎殊榮,並奪下「2020~2021日本自動車殿堂最佳設計大賞Car Design of the Year」的跨界革新跑旅MAZDA CX-30,透過A USB Speaker is a speaker that relies on one connection (a USB connection from your PC) to provide both audio and power to the listener. Streaming audio is sent via the USB interface and power is provided through the USB connection. The Core Subsystems ....