usb to lpt

USB to LPT/Parallel in windows XP - Forums - CNET一個工程師坐在樹下唸書,另一工程師騎著一輛很炫的自行車經過。工程師問道:「你的車從哪兒弄來的?」騎車者回答:「剛一個漂亮的美眉騎車過來,她脫光了所有的衣服對我說,『你想要什麼我都給你』。工程師說道:「明智的選擇!你穿她的衣服肯定不合適的。」Wondering if anybody have a solution to this one: I have a usb docking station that has parallel port as one of the ports and I also tried USB to parallel cable. USB to parallel port Usually windows XP add a USB printing service and doesn't show virtual L...


Mapping a USB port to an LPT port - Penny Arcade小明和小華在聊天......小明:女人有4肢,男人有5肢小華:可以理解小明:那一個男人和一個女人在一起共有幾肢?小華:8肢啊...不然是9肢嗎??小明:答案是8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢9肢8肢..........在某間大學內,有一個教So, in the lab I'm working in, we're replacing a bunch of equipment, adding new computers, etc. ... Going to the Device Manager, under Ports (COM & LPT), the USB adapter is showing up as USB Serial Port (COM4), regardless of which USB port it's in, if tha...


How do I assign a LPT port for a usb to parallel adapter on Windows 7 - Super User有一個老外第一次到台灣來,聽說台灣啤酒很好喝,當天晚上就到Pub點來喝,果然不錯,於是就喝了許多。結果喝的醉醺醺,離開Pub後就睡倒在路邊,有一位男同志經過,看他不省人事,又長得不錯,於是就把老外帶去賓館,把他給嘿咻了。事後男同志覺得很舒服,但又有點不好意思,就擺了1000元在老外的枕頭邊便離去。隔Possible Duplicate: How do I simulate a parallel (LPT) Printer with a USB Printer? I have a legacy DOS application that needs to print to a LPT port and only have USB ports on ......


SO2Rxlat USB to LPT Translator : Piexx Company, Computers & Electronics乳房有多少種?一家人正在享用晚餐。兒子問父親:「爸,乳房有多少種?」父親有點驚訝,答:「孩子,一共有三種乳房。當女人在20多歲時,她們的胸部就像蜜瓜般,又圓又結實;當她們在30歲到40歲左右時,胸部就像梨子,仍然美麗,可是有點下垂。50歲過後,她們(的胸部)就像洋蔥。」「洋蔥?」「是的,當你看到她們Piexx Company : SO2Rxlat USB to LPT Translator - JukeBox Slave Clocks Syntor(x) Tone Boards Radio Interfaces Radio Upgrades Tubes Components SO2Rxlat USB to LPT Translator Nakamichi ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping...

全文閱讀 Sabrent USB 2.0 to DB25F Parallel Printer Cable (USB-DB25F)- colors may vary: Electronic某一醫院,出現了一個奇怪的現像..每星期六的六樓的六號病房的六號床位病人在凌晨六點就會去世...護士們都感到人心慌慌...儘量不把病人推到那個床位漸漸醫院裡流傳著是醫生的醫術不好的謠言....也謠言那張6號病床有鬼抓人....一日,醫院病房幾乎全滿,護士不得已只好將一位病人推到那個六號床位...接近The Sabrent USB 2.0 to DB25F Parallel Printer Cable effectively turns your parallel printer into a USB printer. Compatible with USB 1.1 and 2.0, this driverless solution makes connecting your printer easy. The USB-to-DB25 adapter provides you w...


How to Redirect LPT1 to a USB Printer (6 Steps) | eHow小王的公司路口的轉角有個乞丐在乞討,每天上班時小王出於同情心,總會拿一張100元的鈔票給乞丐,乞丐也很感謝小王..可是某天開始, 小王不再捐100元了, 只捐50元給乞丐,乞丐覺得很奇怪, 但是也不好意思開口問.但是到了最近一個月, 小王竟然只捐10元給乞丐,10元耶!! 竟然只有10元!!乞丐終於If you are using an older software program that was designed before the USB standard became popular for printers, the program may not recognize your USB printer. Many older programs expected a printer to be connected to the "LPT1" port and may be so old t...
