Grammar & Punctuation : When to Use a Semicolon - YouTube 寶島叫賣哥 葉昇俊VS 周惠珊 回頭浪子遇上豪爽女孩的愛情成家故事深情鐵漢學習照顧新生寶貝 現場直擊報導 曾經透過報章雜誌聽聞,有一位在萬華夜市擺攤賣玩具的叫賣哥,幽默親切的叫賣方式,讓人在他的攤位前坐一晚上,就是為了聽他叫賣!叫賣哥過去其實是個不務正業的小混混,打架鬧事,進出監獄六七次,後來為了Use a semicolon to connect two separate sentences that are related to each other, or if a series of items is being listed and includes internal punctuation within sections of the list. Avoid overuse of semicolons with advice from a writer and English tuto...