When NOT to use 'to' in English - Grammar - YouTube 十月底即將迎來萬聖節,又到了開始煩惱萬聖節該穿什麼好的時候惹(苦惱),假設這件事情也發生在動物身上,會是怎樣的有趣光景呢? 筆觸相當溫暖的插畫家Liz Climo其實本身是辛普森卡通動畫的製作成員,負責的是角色塑造和故事修正的部分。閒暇時的她喜歡畫漫畫,過去曾多次發表漫畫作品,這次以「動物們的萬聖http://www.engvid.com/ "I'm going to home" or I'm going to home"? "I'm going to school" or "I'm going to school?" Why do we use 'to' with some words and not with others? In this English grammar class, I'll teach you many words that don't go with 'to'. Thi...