
Welcome to the USGS - U.S. Geological Survey最近食量很少,每次都吃一碗就飽了 有點擔心   USGS mission is to provide reliable, impartial information to describe and understand the Earth: to minimize loss of life and property from natural disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources; enhance and protect the quality of life...


Geology Discipline - Home你覺得星期一上班讓你壓力大嗎?想想他,你會好很多..... USGS Geology efforts address major societal issues that involve geologic hazards and disasters, climate variability and change, energy and mineral resources, ecosystem and human health, and ground-water availability. Our science strategy for geologic ......


PAGER - onePAGER Information - USGS Earthquake Hazard Program好可愛~USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards ... PAGER provides shaking and loss estimates following significant earthquakes anywhere in the world. These estimates are generally...


美國國家地質調查所(USGS)全球變遷研究計畫簡介七月半的 別嚇人啊美國國家地質調查所(USGS) 全球變遷研究計畫簡介 由於人類愈來愈密集的活動所導致的全球環境變遷,例如溫室效應,近 來年己成為國際注目的焦點。美國全球變遷研究計畫(U.S. Global Change Research Program, USGCRP)主要目的乃針對未來氣候變遷 ......


資料來源:美國地質調查所主動發布之全球地震自動定位資訊,透過EMAIL方式通報.戳中萌點 (倒地)全球地震報告清單 ... 資料來源:美國地質調查所主動發布之全球地震自動定位資訊,透過EMAIL方式通報. 本網頁僅展示地震規模大於6之全球地震初步訊息,欲查詢詳細地震資訊請至WWW.USGS.GOV...
