encoding - UTF-8 vs Unicode - Stack Overflow 泰國美艷變性人Poy在電影《掃毒》中飾演毒梟,劇照曝光後網友紛紛評論Poy“比真正的女人還要美”,有粉絲曝一批Poy私密照,其中甚至還有Poy與男友的親密照。 泰國美艷變性人Poy在電影《掃毒》中飾演毒梟,劇照曝光後網友紛紛評論Poy“比真正的女人還要美&rdqWhat this WIKI writes about unicode and the UTFs is ok in my opinion. Some comments on it are wierd: "It is possible in UTF-8 (or any other multi-byte encoding) to split or truncate a string in the middle of a character, which may result in an invalid str...