Beyond Wireframing: The Real-Life UX Design Process – Smashing Magazine (source:爆料公社) 大家還記得曾經紅遍全台灣的屁孩四人組,合稱「台灣四狂」嗎? 如今台灣四狂裡的「西狂紅龍」終於長大了,他特地現身在爆料公社,想對大家說一些話。 他說:「從以前到現在的我,差好多。我也不知道為何當時這麼白痴 ,去拍這些無聊的照片,成為大家的笑柄...然後又在加I second this completely. And to elaborate on this comment in combination with Marcin’s excellent article, you would be surprised how this “unicorn process” is still heavily preferred at my university. Which stands in stark contrast to the fact that actua...