V for Vendetta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaisCar! 上週大華載小明從桃園開車要到苗栗遊玩,將車停放至停車場後就下車去拍照遊玩了。回來取車後卻發現車子疑似被經過停車場的水泥車施工灌漿時潑濺,導致水泥附著於汽車當風玻璃及大面積車身。她們將車子送回原廠處理修復,需要付約8000元的洗車、去汙之費用。大華心想:是否能向水泥車司機或是停車場求償?In writing V for Vendetta, Moore drew upon an idea for a strip titled The Doll, which he had submitted in 1975 at the age of 22 to DC Thomson. In "Behind the Painted Smile", Moore revealed that the idea was rejected as DC Thomson balked at the idea of a "...