V for Vendetta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 說起柯南,小弟家裡的書架上還裝滿了「名偵探柯南」漫畫,不過真的有一段時間沒有拿出來翻翻了~~...每當和我妹妹一起看動畫的時候,只要有工藤新一的出現我妹就會超激動!好吧....是蠻激動的..畢竟出鏡率只有那麼幾回...而工藤和小蘭的愛情路線也一直都是曖昧不奇怪...於是有一位網友在某網站上提了一個In writing V for Vendetta, Moore drew upon an idea for a strip titled The Doll, which he had submitted in 1975 at the age of 22 to DC Thomson. In "Behind the Painted Smile", Moore revealed that the idea was rejected as DC Thomson balked at the idea of a "...