v bot smart

I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 12:37你就這樣給我射出來哦T_T 這種處理會氣出人命來....我快被他給煩死....但那男的好好笑XDD 我喜歡長沙口音哈哈,但女的根本神經病==  "I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot", or "I, D'oh!-Bot", is the ninth episode of The Simpsons' fifteenth season, which originally aired January 11, 2004. This episode represents a milestone in the history of the series, as Snowball II is killed off, which, barring th...


smart - definition of smart by The Free Dictionary 希望大家純欣賞節目效果! 別太嚴肅看待@@]smart (smärt) adj. smart·er, smart·est 1. a. Characterized by sharp quick thought; bright. See Synonyms at intelligent. b. Amusingly clever; witty: a smart quip; a lively, smart conversation. c. Impertinent; insolent: That's enough of your smart talk. 2. ...


Gynoid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia網路上最近又出現一位「吐槽姐」,自稱到美國紐約留學的她,不斷對著鏡頭搔首弄姿,還­以極為作做神情和語調抱怨回大陸後看到的各種現象,不少網友看了大倒胃口。 說得很中肯阿~ 為什麼還是這麼多人 想炮她?? 我在想這應該是另一種反諷的表演形式吧?!特意要引起話題的,但她在反諷哈哈A gynoid is anything that resembles or pertains to the female human form. The term has more recently been applied to a humanoid robot designed to more accurately look like a human female with much more realism than normal androids, or of those with a sexu...


Jugs 乃是a woman's breasts - - Netvigator.com 好有喜感的洗衣機XDpersonable outgrowth (n) rep (reputation) smart aleck minimalist upbring (v) avid (a) endorsement (推薦、代言) genially sneer annexation prim (a) aside AWOL 擅離職守 (absent without leave) journeyman (a) (experienced) midpassage is slated for skim (v ......
