v lite vista

NTLite | The Ultimate Windows Customization Tool 今天和兒子一起去看古裝戲,演到一半時,兒子好奇的轉頭問我:爸爸,為什麼皇帝要自稱是天子?爸爸:因為皇帝自稱為是天的兒子嘛 兒子:那你是奶奶的兒子,為什麼你不叫自己奶子?爸爸:……......Live Install Modifications Next to editing images, you can also do the same actions on your existing Windows installation in-place, without reinstallation. *ISO creation only for ......


Make 64-bit Windows Vista Bootable DVD from Microsoft WIM with vLite Guide « My Digital Life化解巨石危機 鄉民KUSO搞笑圖說   遇到這種情況該怎麼辦呢   我剛剛想到一個方法 可以把家裡的彈簧床拿出來把石頭彈開 像這樣 這樣家鄉就不會被石頭壓垮了 可喜可賀:D   下面回應的網友們也發揮了超強的想像力 大家一起來解決巨石吧!   點擊連結看全文 Me again…Just to notify that V-lite write that it is a 32bit operating system, when I browse my 64bits extraction…I'd downloaded all the four files needed and follow all steps as describes to do a 64bits extraction…I cannot install vista in 64 bits editio...


nLite - Deployment Tool for the bootable Unattended Windows installation【姊姊】完蛋...偷看迷片被抓到... 今天學校最後一節是考試 我一半的時候就寫完了馬上交卷跑回家回到家當然是沒人囉~於是我把昨天剛下載好的家庭教師h偏差值 打開來看....用耳機環繞音超爽快!!當我看完的時候有人拍拍我的背...姊:「吼~弟弟你在看甚麼押....」我:「啊啊啊!!!!我太大意了!!Finally the XP SP3 was released so here is the final nLite version update as well. Just one important thing changed, SP3 Slipstream under Vista. It would reject your valid CD-Key. Not my doing but it is fixed anyway. So in order to fix the XP SP3 CD-Key i...


Slipstream Windows Vista with SP1 & Create a Bootable Vista SP1 DVD真人版馬利歐兄弟玩跑酷 逼真有趣   馬利歐兄弟真人版不稀奇,要是馬利歐兄弟大玩「跑酷」這種新興運動,可就令人大開眼界了,美國兩位知名的跑酷運動達人,扮成馬利歐兄弟,在空地上大玩追逐、跳躍以及翻滾等跑酷特技,再利用後製呈現搶吃金幣以及跳過陷阱的效果,十分具有童趣。 聽到這個令人熟悉的音樂,Learn how to slipstream Service Pack 1 (SP1) with Windows Vista installer and make a bootable Vista DVD with SP1 integrated. ... 29 Mar 2008 Slipstream Windows Vista with SP1 & Create a Bootable Vista SP1 DVD Learn how to slipstream Service Pack 1 ......


How to create a custom Windows Vista Installation DVD - Simple Help大牛:我爸爸是個偉大的工程師,他什麼都會做!你知道萬里長城嗎? 阿虎:當然知道! 大牛:那是我爸爸蓋的! 阿虎:哼!有什麼稀奇?我爸爸是偉大的神槍手!你知道死海嗎? 大牛:知道呀!那又怎樣? 阿虎:那是我爸爸殺死的身材狀碩的阿桃嬸提著大包小包的補品,從南部上台北要給媳婦兒 坐月子。到了台北車站,從沒Using the free software vLite, you can create a completely custom, bootable Windows Vista install DVD. Remove the parts of Vista you don’t want/use, change some of the default settings, include Service Packs and Windows Updates, and more. Keep...


vLite Download - Softpedia - Softpedia - Free Downloads Encyclopedia有一位法國人和德國人一起到餐館吃中餐,席間法國人先吃了一大口宮保雞丁,但一不小心吃到辣椒很辣,因此他一邊吃一邊流眼淚。德國人關心的問:「你怎麼啦?」法國人回答說:「沒什麼啦,我只是突然想起我媽咪,心裡有點難過!後來德國人也跟著吃了一大口宮保雞丁,同樣的也因為吃到辣椒,辣得淚流滿面。法國人不懷好意假裝vLite 1.2 Final - It means easy removal of unwanted components and bootable ISO creation in order to make Vista run faster and to your liking ... vLite is a software solution designed to customize Windows Vista installation files, allowing you to remove u...
