V22 Osprey Web - NAVAIR - U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command - Navy and Marine 摘要:對於現代文明社會中長大的人們,幾乎無法明白女性割禮帶來的身心傷害。然而在非洲及少數中東國家,人們仍舊保持這一古老的陋俗,並認為對女性施行割禮,足以保證貞節以及男人對女人的控制。科學早已證明,女性生殖器切割後,會引發種種婦科疾病以及提高難產率,新婚與分娩後又因縫合生殖器會更加痛苦,割禮過程中,"The Osprey remains at the very soul of our Corps' ability to fight future conflicts across a widely dispersed battlefield. Battlefields where the tyranny of distance is solved with speed, and where an irregular enemy who chooses to fight at an urban mark...