LCD Panel Technology: IPS, VA, PLS, AHVA & TN Monitors 一個平時很少在化妝的女生,現在要來嘗試“化一個禮拜的妝”,來看看她會有什麼樣的體驗和收穫。這個女生她並不是討厭化妝,她只是覺得她並不擅長化妝,加上她也很愛睡覺,所以寧可每天早上多睡個30分鐘。讓我們來看看她有什麼樣的奇妙經驗吧…… 第1天:我發現LCD Panel types used in current PC monitors, including: IPS, AHVA, Super PLS, VA and TN based LCD panel technology. ... There are many different LCD panel technologies used in the production of LCD monitors. They range from budget TN panels to ......